A Voice for Retired, Senior and Former Texas Judges
The Texas Association of Retired, Senior and Former Judges, Inc. is a non-profit, tax-exempt professional association dedicated to promoting the administration of justice by retired, senior and former judges.
Summer 2024 - A Message from the President
I hope you are having a productive and delightful summer. I want to inform you of the ongoing work of the Texas Association of Retired, Senior and Former Judges (TARSFJ) as we head toward our annual meeting during the Judicial Section’s Annual Judicial Education Conference in September.
Your TARSFJ executive leadership team has continued to work with our lobbyist, Dale Laine, in our primary mission to secure an increase in judicial retirement compensation. In preparation for the 89th legislative session, Dale has been in contact with a State Representative who was a co-author of last session’s bill, and who we hope will embrace our mission. In addition to an increase in judicial retirement compensation, our efforts this year include seeking an increase in the amount of compensation for our senior, retired and former judges sitting by assignment.
Such efforts are not without cost. We will continue to require the assistance of an experienced lobbyist who is appropriately compensated for his efforts. Dale Laine has been a steady and faithful advocate for us. Your membership dues are our only source of funds to retain a lobbyist and ensure our presence in Austin. Payment of your dues to the Texas Association of Retired, Senior and Former Judges, as well as your generous donations to our cause are vital to the continuation of this work both prior to and during the next session.
We humbly request that you contribute to these efforts. We need to grow our financial reserves if we are to have any success in our efforts. Our fiscal year begins on September 1, but you can pay your membership dues prior to that date. Membership dues are $250.00, or if you wish, there are additional membership levels for those of you who can give more. The Texas Association of Retired, Senior and Former Judges (TARSFJ) is a nonprofit corporation. Although payments to TARSFJ are not tax-deductible, our status allows for them to be made from officeholder accounts.
We sincerely appreciate your continued support and assistance. It is a privilege for the leadership team to work on your behalf. We look forward to seeing you at the business meeting of the Texas Association of Retired, Senior and Former Judges (TARSFJ). Our business meeting is scheduled on Wednesday, September 4, 2024, beginning at 4:15 p.m. at the JW Marriott Hill Country, San Antonio, Texas. Our room assignment will be available on the first day of the Annual Judicial Education Conference.
We Need Your Support
Our membership year is September 1 through August 31 of the following year. If you are already a dues-paying member of TARSFJ, thank you for your support. Please talk to your friends and colleagues about joining us, as well as sharing the link to this website with them: https://texas RSFjudges.org.
If you are a Retired, Senior or Former Judge, we need your support to promote your interests. Please click on the "JOIN" button below to add your voice to our efforts.
If you are an active judge aspiring to retirement, please consider clicking on the "DONATE" button below to make a non-membership contribution. We appreciate your support
If you prefer to pay by check, please send your check payable to the Texas Association of Retired, Senior and Former Judges (TARSFJ) to our Treasurer, the Hon. Marty Lowy, 7793 Royal Lane, Dallas, TX 75230. To download a printable membership form, click here.